Wednesday 19 May 2010

Who's Productive Muslim?

Now that we’re picking up visitors, and are our readers’ base is increasing.. it’s time to answer the question "Who’s ProductiveMuslim?" properly. What’s he/she like?

•A productiveMuslim is a Muslim who’s active both in this life and is actively prepared for the HereAfter.

•A productiveMuslim uses all the technology given to him/her today in serving His Lord and being a better person.

•A productiveMuslim is one who cares about the latest, yet never forgets his/her roots or his great past.

•A productiveMuslim knows that him/her being productive is only due to Allah’s permission, and him/her being unproductive is due to his/her own shortcomings and sins. He/she repents when committing a sin, and realises that being productive simply means being a better Muslim.

•A productiveMuslim has high aspirations and makes the most of his day.

•A ProductiveMuslim is led by the greatest example; our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Look at how much the Prophet (Peace be upon him) achieved in 23 years?! Isn’t that productive?!

•A productiveMuslim is a blessed man/woman, because he/she can achieve so much with so little resources.

Now, imagine, an entire Ummah filled with ProductiveMuslims!

So, who’s ProductiveMuslim? The short answer: currently, he’s a “mythical” figure, but our aim is to make him real..Spread the word around about this site brothers and sisters, and let the winds of change stir.

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